My wife, son, and I went to the Texas Rangers/Cincinnati Reds game on Saturday night (6-29-13) and some things I saw there (and have seen several times before) that just really bother me. It's called people not having sports etiquette. The word
"etiquette" is defined as the customs or rules governing behavior regarded as correct or acceptable in social or official life. With this in mind, let's take a look at three major sports etiquette rules that people need to know when attending sporting events:
3. Understand that you are there to watch a sporting event; it's not a place to been seen socially.

Yes I understand going to a sporting event can be a social gathering. I'm not that big of an idiot. But do me a favor and actually pay attention to the game. I know that sometimes the big scoreboard calls for fans to use social media to get into the game ie...Twitter and Facebook. The Rangers always ask a question on Twitter and want fans to get involved. I get that part. But all these folks who come to the game, never look up from their phones, and are on social media all the time...WAKE UP!!! What's the point of going to a game if you aren't going to watch the game? It doesn't make sense to me at all. Why pay all that money to go to the game if you aren't going to watch it? It's dumb. Also along those lines...don't spend the entire game gossiping or chatting and not paying attention to the game. I've been with friends and we watched the game, cheered, and still had conversations. Nothing wrong with that. I have a problem with those people who spend the entire game laughing and chatting and then say "Oh the game is over? I didn't realize that." Wake up morons and pay attention to the game or go home.
2. Understand that the wave is a distraction to players and real fans and needs to never happen.
The wave is one of the oldest fan activities at sporting events...and in the words of
Richie Whitt, it needs to be "Dead And Gone." The wave is 1)annoying to any real fan trying to watch the game and 2) distraction to the players on the field. On Saturday at the Rangers/Reds game, this little blonde chick (who I'm sure also fit in the previous etiquette rule) decided to come down in front of my section and try to get people to do the wave. I was watching the game as well as a lot of other people in our area. Those of us who are real fans kept saying "Please sit down. We are trying to watch the game. Sit down and be quiet." But no, she kept screaming "1...2...3...WOOOOOO" Please please PLEASE!!! Shut down the wave for good. It is time to put that fan activity to rest.
1. Don't wear sports clothing that has nothing to do with the teams that are playing.

This rule is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. Now this doesn't apply if you are wearing clothing of a different sport than what you are attending. For instance...if you are at a Rangers game and you wear a Dallas Cowboys shirt or hat that is fine. Nothing wrong with that. But if you are at a Rangers/Angels game...don't wear a Red Sox or Yankees hat. That annoys me more than anything on this planet. Do your research and know what teams are playing. Now if you are at a Rangers/Angels game and you wear an Angels shirt or hat to Rangers Ballpark in Arlington...nothing wrong with that either. At least that has relevance to the game you are at. Only time...and I mean the absolutely only time...wearing another team's clothing is if the team no longer exist. If you want to wear an Atlanta Thrashers hockey jersey to the Dallas Stars game, be my guest. If you want to wear a Montreal Expos hat to a Rangers game, I'll probably say "cool hat. Where did you get it?" because those are still the coolest looking hats anywhere. But please do your homework and have at least a little bit of knowledge about the game in which you are attending.
So there you have it: Sports Etiquette 101. Most sporting events are about 2-3 hours. It's not too much to ask to do a little research about the game you are going to be attending. It will save you from looking like an idiot and/or a tool. You are welcome.
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