A place for me to put my sports thoughts and opinions out there.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Is Ryan Braun just the start of the Biogenesis suspensions?
Right about the time the Rangers were making the trade for Matt Garza, we learned that one of baseball's
biggest superstars was having the hammer brought down on him. Milwaukee Brewer's right fielder Ryan Braun was suspended yesterday for the remainder of the 2013 season (approx. 65 games) for the use of PEDs. Braun technically didn't fail a drug tests, but the evidence must have been bad enough for Braun to agree to the suspension because he won't be appealing the decision. The suspension will cost Braun around $3.25 million of his contract. That's a lot of money. I don't care how much you make, that's still a big shot to lose that much money. He is receiving 50 games from his association with the Biogenesis clinic in Miami and the other 15 games are from Braun's actions during the grievance that overturned his previous failed test.
Braun deserved to be suspended. He cheated once before, got caught, and was let off on a technicality. If you aren't familiar with the previous case against Braun, he failed a drug test in October of 2011 and was suspended for 50 games. He appealed his case and won because he believed that his sample was tampered with. How in the world in this sports day we live in when steroids are still being use frequently would a judge agree with Braun? It didn't make sense then and now we know why...cuz Braun was guilty then just like he is guilty now. I don't like cheaters in anything and I believe Braun is a cheater. He got what he deserved. I hope and pray he learns from this and will become the model baseball player in the future. Only time will tell.
But now that Braun has gone down, my question is "is this just the start of the Biogenesis suspensions?" I believe it is and as a Texas Rangers fan I hate what I believe is fixing to happen. Some of the biggest names are fixing to get suspended for cheating, including Rangers right fielder Nelson Cruz. Now I like Cruz. I think he is an awesome player, but if he cheated then I agree with baseball he needs to be suspended. But I want him to be suspended only if he in deed did cheat. It's not against baseball law to buy steriods...it's against baseball law to actually take steriods. If there is proof that Cruz took steroids, then he deserves to be suspended. But if all baseball has on Nelson Cruz is that he bought steriods, he shouldn't be suspended. For some people, coming close to massive trouble is all it takes to straighten them up. For Cruz's sake, I pray that's all this is. I pray that he comes close to massive trouble without actually getting in trouble and it causes him to straighten up his act.
Now some players deserve to be kicked out of baseball forever. If Shoeless Joe Jackson was banned for "throwing" the 1919 World Series when he was the best player in the entire series, guys like Alex Rodriguez should get a lifetime ban as well. And I'm not talking about just from playing. I'm talking about from even attending a Major or Minor League Baseball game. If he was so arrogant to think he was above the baseball law, then he should be banned. Rodriguez admitted to taking steriods when he played for the Rangers 2001-2003. But instead of learning from his mistakes, he has shown up again on a current list...the Biogenesis Clinic's list. If Bud Selig wants to gain a bunch of respect from the baseball community, A-Rod needs to be banned from baseball (in the words of Squints from The Sandlot) FOR...EVE...ER!!!
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