A place for me to put my sports thoughts and opinions out there.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Athletes should never comment on political issues
Late Saturday night, news broke that the jury in the George Zimmerman case had found Mr. Zimmerman not guilty of the murder of Trayvon Martin in Florida. I have my opinions on that topic, but that's a separate issue that has no need to be on this blog. This isn't a political blog. But I have been seeing on Twitter a lot of athletes who have commented on the jury's verdict. Listen up people. If you are an athlete who plays a sport where a lot of your collegues have been arrested or at the very least been under suspicion of felony crimes, SHUT UP!!! You have no room to talk about a man found not guilty of a crime when most of your fellow players are found not guilty or just get a slap on the wrist. Here are a few players' tweets:
Roddy White (Atlanta Falcons wide receiver): All them jurors should go home and kill themselves for letting a grown man get away with killing a kid.
James Harrison (Cincinnati Bengals linebacker): Think I'll go and pick a fight and get my a** kicked then pull a gun and kill somebody and see if I can get away with it...
Steve Johnson (Buffalo Bills Wide Receiver): Living in a world where you fight dogs; you lose everything (Michael Vick)..If you kill a black man you're not guilty.
Dwyane Wade (Miami Heat point guard): Wow!!! Stunned!!! Saddened as a father!!! Some1 make sense of this verdict for me right now please!!! Don't worry I'll wait...
Let's see here. We have three football players and one basketball player. Hmmm...yeah those are two sports that are the poster for being good, law abiding citizens. Let's see just in the NFL...Aaron Hernandez (arrested for murder and suspected of several more murders) and Indianapolis Colts safety Joe Lefeged arrested for gun possession. These are just the latest. There have been 29 NFL players arrested since the Super Bowl on February 3rd.
Now onto the NBA...Gilbert Arenas was arrested in 2010 for having an unlicensed gun in the Washington Wizards locker room in 2010, then again arrested on June 27, 2013 for having over 100 pounds of illegal fireworks on a California highway at 2:30 in the morning. Boston Celtics' Terrance Williams was arrested in Washington state for making gun threats.
I understand if you have your opinion on the Zimmerman case. I really do understand because I have my own opinions as well. But please...if you are a professional athlete just shut up and stick to playing your sport. When you comment on something like this, you look foolish and stupid. To make the statements like the above tweets when your own sports are breeding grounds for felons is asinine. Stick to sports and just SHUT UP!!!
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