About a year ago, former NBA player Jason Collins came out and admitted he was gay as well. Who freakin' cares? If you are gay, then go be gay. There is no need to go and make national headlines with it. If they want to post on social media about a date or a new partner like heterosexual people do about a new partner they are with, that's fine. That's their right. If Collins or Sam were to starting dating someone and want to Tweet or Facebook about it, they have that right. But you don't see a straight, heterosexual athlete coming out on national tv talking about how they are straight.

I don't want you to read this and think that I'm against gay people. Like I stated, I do have my personal opinions about homosexuality but I'm not going to get into that here. I want to compare Sam's admission to being gay with another situation so you will understand what I'm talking about. When LeBron James decided to leave the Cleveland Cavaliers to go play for the Miami Heat, there was an hour long special on tv about "where was James going to sign." It was pathetic that James went on tv and had an hour long special just to say he was going to play for Miami. He should have just signed with the Heat like every other free agent does in any sport when they sign with a team. But no. He made a national, pathetic spectacle about the entire situation. That's what Michael Sam has done with his admission that he's gay. He made a national spectacle about the whole situation and it's unnecessary. If you want to be gay, go be gay. I don't care. But don't make it a national story that you're gay.
Here's my advise to any athlete that is gay. Please just live your life. If you aren't ashamed of your lifestyle, then when the media starts noticing you going out on dates with someone of the same sex it won't bother you what they say. If you want to post on social media about a new boyfriend/girlfriend, then go ahead. But don't go on national television and make it a big deal. It's not a big deal. Live your life. Don't make it a spectacle for all to see. Michael Sam...I've read about your life and what you went through growing up. I think it's great that you were able to get out of that and play college football and, probably, make it to the NFL. But your sexual preference isn't something that we all need to know about. Just live your life and keep things that are private to yourself.
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