Ok soooo it's been right at 2 weeks since my last blog. I know I haven't written much but when you are the full time production manager for a sports radio station as well as a producer, host and creator of a nationally syndicated 1-hour show, and the program director of a new country music on line station (check it out. We are called
Wild Country) you get a little busy. But it doesn't mean I haven't been keeping up with sports. I have and still have my opinions. This piece today isn't about the Cowboys...whom I honestly think will be fine this year despite losing to the San Diego Chargers yesterday. It's not about the Dallas Stars...although I am very excited they start the regular season on Thursday. It's not about the Dallas Mavericks...because no one cares about the Dallas Mavericks. It's not even directly about the Texas Rangers...who I'm excited to watch in the tiebreaker game tonight. It's about Ranger fans and their treatment of Josh Hamilton...again.

In my very
first blog on this site, I said how I thought it was tasteless and classless how the Ranger fans treated
Josh Hamilton when he returned as a member of the Los Angeles Angels. I get it that people booed him and that's understandable. But to cuss his family out and throw things at them was pathetic. I said in that article it was time for people to concentrate more on cheering the Rangers on than booing Josh Hamilton. Well this weekend...the final series of the regular season...brought Josh Hamilton and his Angels back to Rangers Ballpark In Arlington. People booed him as usual. They even started chanting "Baseball Town" which I honestly thought was great. You can chant like that and not get out of hand. What I find distasteful is how Hamilton was treated after trying to acknowledge to the fans that he was wrong. In the top of the 9th, Hamilton flied out for his final at bat of the season. Upon his return to the Angels dugout, the fans were as loud as ever chanting "Baseball Town." When he got to the top of the dugout, he tipped his helmet to the fans.

Honestly...I thought it was a great gesture. It was Josh showing the Ranger fans that he knows he was wrong and is glad Ranger fans proved him wrong that this wasn't a baseball town. But ever since this gesture, people have ridiculed him for it saying he was being classless and arrogant. I don't believe that for one second. Come on people. The man was admitting that Ranger fans were right and he was wrong. Can he not do that without receiving so much crap from people? Apparently not. I'm a Ranger fan...bigger than most. I didn't like Hamilton's comments about Ranger fans any more than the next person. But when he admits to being wrong, even if he doesn't actually use the words, then do the right thing and forgive him and let's move on. Josh Hamilton is still one of my favorite players of all time and will continue to be one of my favorite players of all time. So if by some awesome chance Josh Hamilton ever reads this blog I just got one thing to say to him. Josh...thank you for the gesture on Sunday (9-29-13). I hope that all Ranger fans sees the gesture the way I saw it. Good luck with the rest of your baseball career and I can only hope and pray that one day we will see you back in a Ranger uniform.

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